Why Herbal Medicine?

From ancient times, traditional healers of many cultures have used plants. Herbs have shown us through the test of time to be one of the most beneficial and effective ways to restore health, balance and vitality. Clinical herbalism is qualified by herbal knowledge of over 10,000 years of usage in combination with present day research. The strengths of herbal medicine are most apparent in cases where traditional medicine may be ineffective or with chronic problems that just don’t go away.

What it’s like working with an Herbalist?

Working with herbs is usually described as a simpler, more natural approach. I think I have to disagree. Generally, the program requires quite a lot of commitment from my clients, often lifestyle and dietary changes. The main ingredient necessary in working with your herbalist is for you to be involved. Working together about what works for you and what doesn’t. In the world of an herbalist, the herbalist works to help the client figure out the root cause of the problem. Herbalists believe that the body is self-regulating, that the body has its own system for healing. When a system becomes weak, symptoms are shown to us. We work together to gently nourish, strengthen, and coax the body back into a state of balance. Natural medicine is the process of learning how to use natural substances and their specific energetic properties to match the client to support optimal health. Periodic visits are generally necessary to change herbals as you change yourself. Many clients embrace this as a learning session. I would like to remind you that I am not a medical doctor and I do not diagnose or prescribe. I encourage you to seek advice and evaluation from your medical doctor. Herbal programs do not replace your Primary Physician. I am available to work with or discuss an herbal program with your doctor.

What should I expect in an Herbal Consultation?
People make appointments for a variety of reasons. I provide appointments for acute or chronic conditions, health visits to evaluate what you are already taking, or provide in-depth constitutional programs for well-being.  My preference for our first visit is the constitutional program. This gives me a complete history & understanding of you as an individual. The first appointment is 1 1⁄2 hour of intake of information & evaluation. This is strongly suggested for long term unresolved chronic concerns which herbal medicine often appropriate for One-hour appointments are also available for specific problems. Phone or zoom consults are treated the same as on-site visits. Charged in 15-minute increments.
How can I schedule an Appointment?
Please call the office and leave your name and phone number with the answering service, along with a good time to reach you. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. 908.689.6140
Appointment Hours:
Tuesday thru Friday 11am – 6pm
Saturday 11am – 3pm